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kiwis always talk about new years with an 's'.  so there you go.  happy new years to ya mate.  sweet as.

we went to a new year's party last night where we pretended midnight was at 10pm and did a countdown then so we could all get home and to bed.  it was perfect.  And they have both new year's day and the day after as bank holidays.  what a brilliant plan.  i write this in the gap between our made up new year and the proper kiwi new year at midnight.  which is 13 hours ahead of the UK.  so in total our 2009 lasted 13 hours less than all my other full calendar years)

anyway, my new year's (years'?) resolution is to sort out comments on the blog.  i fear i may need to take some drastic action.  but i aim to get it sorted in the next week or so.  (let's see how i get on with that !).

this time last year moving to New Zealand was just a teeny weeny thought in the back of our brains.  and now we're here.  aim high friends.  the world is your oyster.  go for it before it's all too late !  (and let me know how you get on.)

God bless.  funkypancake 09

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