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i walked next to a building construction hoarding the other day and noticed my shadow against the temporary wall. i was fiddling with my ipod at the time, but didn't look as smart as the proper ipod ads.

but then things never do do they (apologies to the advertypes who might be reading)


it's my birthday today. half my life ago i was 17 and a half, and i'm half way to being 70. like most people, i've never really felt i was in tune with my proper age anyway, so i guess my age is more of a biological interest than anything else.

apologies for all the words today by the way. i'll go back to mostly pictures for a while soon.


Matts said:

Happy Birthday Dave!

Happiest of Birthdays to you! May the year be filled with many wonderful moments and much joy!

thebud said:

May I also wish you Happy Bday and I hope the year brings many fun times and photo ops ;-)

the_exile Author Profile Page said:

A belated transatlantic Happy Birthday from me too (it's still today here - but then it always is I suppose).

BW Author Profile Page said:

Bappy Hirthday, Dave!! May your next year be filled with incongruitiness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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