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Matts said:

It's a fairly simple concept.

If you are a domestic engineer with 6 hours free time a week then you phone the number on the card. Merely convince the advertiser of your credentials and you will receive a top rate.

funkypancake Author Profile Page said:

er, i think i was thinking of the swapping stamps for dogs rather than the cleaners job ;-)

(not that i know much about cleaning either)

Matts said:

Oh, really? ;-)

Again - straightforward. They collect stamps and stick them on the tongues of guide dogs. This reduces the amount of water they can drink and therefore helps to remedy the current water shortage.

Dogs shed excess body heat through their tongues; this also therefore helps reduce global warming.

All round a good thing, I think you'll agree.

[ http://www.admin.ox.ac.uk/estates/environment/waste/stamps.shtml has a more fanciful explanation. ]

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