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usually the basket and the trolley are not good friends, yet here we see them working together.



Maxx Author Profile Page said:

Why are they not good friends, ususally?

funkypancake Author Profile Page said:

there's a number of reasons:

1) the trolleys have wheels, whereas baskets have handles. each prefers the other's method of transport

2) baskets get to live inside the supermarket whereas trolleys are left out in the cold. trolleys want to spend more time inside whilst the baskets want to see more of the world (or whirled as they call it).

3) it used to be the case that baskets used to grow up to be trolleys, but the government put a stop to that and now they are all stuck in their current form with no chance of promotion. the baskets think the trolleys are old fogies whilst the trolleys think the baskets are too immature.

chalk and cheese. chalk and cheese.

Maxx Author Profile Page said:

Ah, now I see. Yes, makes perfect sense.

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