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it's a bucket by a bin. it's got a purple towel in. and a lady in the background has a purple jacket. spooky or what ?


jokey said:

it's near a limmerick:
It's a bucket by a bin.
it's got purple towel in.
and a lady in the background
has a purple jack around.
- - who knows the fifth line??

funkypancake Author Profile Page said:

jokey - you are completely mad ! thank you

jokey said:

... ;-)) yes, but who will make the fifth line?

Domicat said:

Ok.. I can't resist! Here goes :)

It's a bucket by a bin.
it's got a purple towel in.
and a lady in the background
has a purple jacket around.
Funkypancake, you always make me grin!!

funkypancake Author Profile Page said:

ooh. well done Domicat !

(and thanks)

Vin said:

Jokey, your chosen metre makes a true limerick impossible, but I can provide a fifth line...

It's a bucket by a bin,
It's got purple towel in.
And a lady in the background
Has a purple jack around,
Fifth line conjured up by Vin.

Well, that's no good, so here's a verse in non-limerick form which perhaps uses more of fp's original words/ideas:

It's a bucket (by a bin)
With a purple towel in.
Lady's jacket, purplish-pink -
Kinda spooky, doncha think?

And here's a more traditional-type limerick, but it's really beyond me to squeeze all the elements from the picture into just one verse...

There was a young bucket of London,
Who stumbled, crying "Oh, I am undone!"
A bin standing near
Whispered "Don't worry, dear,
My mother fell into a Grundon*."

*Grundon is the largest privately owned waste management company in the UK and their skips/dumpsters are a common sight in the south east.

And just in case you can't make it scan, the emphasis should fall like so:

There WAS a young BUcket of LONdon,
Who STUmbled, crying "OH, I am UNdone!"
A BIN standing NEAR
Whisper'd "DON't worry, DEAR,
My MOther fell INto a GRUndon*."

And finally, a children's clapping chant I overheard in the park the other day:

"Funkypancake see a dog
Take a photo for the blog
Dog leave pancake on the grass
Funky kick him up the road for a short distance"

Kids today, huh?

funkypancake Author Profile Page said:

wow. what can i say.

nothing. so i won't.

thanks vin !

jokey said:


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