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when i set up the category found white goods i didn't expect to use it for a white crayon. i like crayons. i like how they have their colour written on the wrapper.

but white crayons ? most people use white paper, or have white on the backgrounds of their computer documents, so what use is a white crayon ? poor man's correction fluid perhaps ?



Sharrow said:

It’s so you can draw snow and scary pictures of a night time setting on black paper at Halloween.

michelle said:

yeah, i was going to say they are for drawing ghosts on black construction paper for halloween. do you have halloween? do you call the aforementioned "construction paper"?


funkypancake said:

Halloween has become a random kids mischief day and has lost lots of its original meaning (bit like Christmas). i try to avoid it and look forward to All Souls day instead.

i've no idea what construction paper is Is it something between paper and cardboard ?

michelle said:

construction paper is that coloured paper that is slightly stiffer than regular paper. kids use it for making crafts a lot.

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