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here are a couple of bollards from regular contributor Dan. They are both slightly strange and worth a longer look.

this bollard seems to be levitating between the two junior bollard inspectors:

this pictures appears to show three bollards having fun in the sand. but don't be fooled, it's possible something more sinister has occured.

look at the traces of bollard blood near the front bollard, and the relatively unmessy nature of the two bollards in the background. one of the bollards at the back is obviously making a run for it too.

i don't like what i see here at all.

bollard fact fans - note the double reflective stripes on these american bollards. a classic decoration for state-side bollards i believe.


Dan said:

dave, to say you have a vivid imagination is the mightiest of understatements...

funkypancake said:

it's your fault for sending me the pictures !

and your daughters fault for wearing the orange t-shirt which is obviously attractive to flying bollards.

Dan said:

yes, it's true...just a matter of time before she starts noticing boys, playing spin the bollard...

Don't want to be macabre but did anyone check for bollards UNDER that freshly turned earth?

funkypancake said:

Noo. i hadn't thought of that. that's TERRIBLE. we should tell someone.

but who ?

Dan said:

I can vouch that no bollards were harmed in the making of these photos...

Chris Cunningham said:


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