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esther asked me why this duck had a big lump on its head. i didn't know, but i said you probably would. please help me solve another nature problem so i don't appear a completely useless dad !



Feisty Girl said:

Working his way into the Einstein impersonation biz?

michelle said:

i will email this picture to my sister and ask her. she is an ornithologist. she should know such things.

groc said:

she's trying her best hat out before Ascott.

michelle said:

just to let you know, ms. ornithologist is doing some research into the duck's head-thingy. i will let you know what she finds out.

funkypancake said:

great thanks. keep us posted. it's good to think we've got people working round the world on this !

sandi said:

I think you've discovered Don King duck! (I hope it doesn't turn out that he has some nasty head tumour and I've just been flippant about it)

michelle said:

turns out they are bred to look htat way that way, two posts down feisty girl left a link for more info. ms. ornithologist also says this: "breeding two cresteds causes some ducklings to die in the shell due to skull deformities...not the nicest thing to be doing to poor little unhatched ducks."

funkypancake said:

ewww. that's not very nice !

and thanks for all your duck info. i'll write it all down (pun intended)

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