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i walked past this chap earlier and realised he was being filmed. i had ruined it by walking past him. oops. but it did give me a chance to go to the other side of road and take these photos.

who is he ? i vaguely recognised him.

DSC01669.jpg DSC01670.jpg

here is his head:


Tim's dad's Pete's son Tim said:

He was in a sketch show with Tim Vine. Can't remember his name. I will investigate, tho.....

Tim's dad's Pete's son Tim said:

His name is Jim Tavare


Curiously, the sketch show he was in with Tim Vine was called...ummm.... "The Sketch Show".

funkypancake said:

i knew i could rely on you Tim ! aka mr comedy.

tj said:

i was going to say he looked like the lead singer of "midnight oil" ... but you already got your answer. oh well.

Dan said:

I actually had a chat with Jim in Jongleurs the other week. A nice chap, apparently working on some British independant films. And the next Harry Potter of course...

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