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here is john outside my office drinking from a giant water bottle. he's been constantly thirsty ever since he got bitten by that foaming-mouthed dog a few weeks ago.



Tony said:

Doesn't he know that consuming Dihydrogen Monoxide is dangerous?

funkypancake said:

i'd never heard of Dihydrogen Monoxide before. why have you been researching it ?

Tony said:

Dihydrogen = H2
Monoxide = O

Tim's dad's Pete's son Tim said:

Dat's sum hiiiigh quality haitch too oh.

And Dihydrogen Mononxide can be the new thing that we all learn today.

Tony said:

Earlier this week some City officials in California nearly banned polystyrene cups because Dihydrogen Mononxide was used in their manufacture. See this news article.

BTW: Did you know that "gullible" is not in the dictionary?

funkypancake said:

no way ! when did they take that out ? (by the way, it's true tha the word gullible WASN'T in the dictionary until 1974)

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