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not sure what to do with your old christmas cards ? how about cutting the pictures out and sticking them on to the end of a stick so you can terrorise your colleagues ?



Tony said:


funkypancake said:

yes. skinhead came free with the new boots.

Feisty Girl said:

We want to see pictures of the colleagues as they are being terrorized! Now that's fun!

funkypancake said:

terrorized with a 'z' (which we call a zed) ?

Actually, i need to clarify what i mean by terrorised. i'm using the old fashioned meaning which meant simply 'worrying'.

call me old fashioned, but that's the kind of terrorism i prefer.

brother Edd said:

(one for Tony)

Is it the same type of worrying that sheep get?

skepticult said:

That there is what we call an "eye poking stick."

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