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here's a poignent (pungent?) thing. it's a tramp asleep in a door way on Oxford Street. There's a fair amount of them about in london so nothing new there.

but i was struck by the writing in the shop window. was it referring to his life expectancy which he's been daily reducing from 1 week only to last day.

has he read what his life expectancy is or is he carrying on regardless ?

furthermore, this person has got nothing except a sleeping bag. yet the sign above his feet says 'or less'.


i was thinking - imagine we all had little counters at home which showed how long we had to live. that would certainly focus my mind ...


Darren said:

Very cool photo.
You should go back the next day and see if the days have changed.

Feisty Girl said:

Oye! How you gonna get all deep on us?!?

funkypancake said:

i did wonder if this was a little sad for a friday. or maybe it reflected my melancholy mood this morning.

so here's an alternative view:

perhaps he's actually counting down the days until he gets a council house ?

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