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i went to Pizza Hut with 'Big Eye' this evening. was very good. as a non dairy and wheat eater it was good to stuff cheesey pizza down my gullet. it tasted mighty fine.

we didn't dessert, so instead took a photo of the ice-cream machine. it's actually an ice-cream dispenser and not a machine as such. you're not meant to take these things literally of course, so i let it pass.


please note: this is second picture of me on the blog in one day, both sporting my new cemetry fleece. i can only apologise and will cut back on the me-photos.

(i've noticed no one has commented on the blog since i included a picture of myself) !


Feisty Girl said:

Which pizza hut? I just want to see if it's the one I ate at when I was there...just curious.

funkypancake said:

i doubt you would have gone to this one. it's in Reading at the end of Oxford Road next to a Do It Yourself shop.

The waitress was Croatian.

Or she might have been a Crustation (although her name wasn't Michelle [pun intended])

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