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my diet has been a big disaster today. chocolate and bread were presented at all our locations today and it seemed very rude to refuse them. so i didn't. i'll try again this week. perhaps it's just a monday to friday diet ?

the last straw of the day was eating chocolates in the car on the way back home (2 hours). it was very dark in the car so we couldn't see the best before date on the chocolate bars we had found in the car. unfortunately they were quite old and my fudge chocolate bars was fizzy. yuck.

but let's remind myself why i was doing the diet - it wasn't to lose weight, it was just so i felt better/healthier. and i did feel better / healthier the few days i did it, so that was good.

i'll see what happens to my stomach tomorrow after today's bread feast and decide what to do next. ho hum.


Andrew said:

Get Sky to sponsor your diet for £5M then you'll succeed.

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