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as you know, occasionally i nice piece of spam takes my fancy. i liked this one and the website is jolly good too. i have a wife and am quite happy with her, but as an act of public service to you the reader (and irina's once fish catching grand mother), here is the contents of that email for your delight.

How do you do,

When I feel sad, the only thing that saves me are the new acquaintances and communication with people. Now it is exactly this moment. May be, I will tell you later about it. And now you have a chance to improve my mood, let's get acquainted.

My name is Irina and I live in Ukraine. I have my own webpage which can help our communication.
My page

I will be glad if you estimate me at my true worth. I hope that our communication will be close and long-lasting.

I hope to see you,



flabergasted said:

You have time to read spam!? Get a life.

funkypancake said:

you have to make time for these things. what if this poor girl never finds a husband because people had simply deleted their emails. how many other poor souls have slipped through your inbox ?

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