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this is my 10,000th blog post on funkypancake !

thank you so much in continuing to visit and leave comments and generally being great encouragers.

here's a video of me saying thank you for popping by (apologies for the state of my head)

funkypancake gets around 35,000 unique visitors each month, and i think about 20% of you are regulars. so thank you for stopping by - don't forget, funkypancake is updated every day.

And you can subscribe by email and the rss feed (see panel on the right)


Matts said:

Hooray, congratulations!

rascle Author Profile Page said:

Yes well done indeed! I suppose you call it your "10,000th Post Anniversary".
The British Library seems to be a worthy accolade for such a number.
Now I may be wrong, but isnt that the picture that got you into "Dogs Today" magazine? so I assume that the video clip is actually the 10,000th. Keep up the good work FP!

jokey said:

yes - big congrat! please don't stop!

thebluefish Author Profile Page said:

Congrats! I'm just edging towards one thousand posts..

Maxx Author Profile Page said:

Congratulations. I had two beers on funkypancake tonight. Here's to the next 10000.

funkypancake Author Profile Page said:

you're right rascle. that top one is my press photo !

but it's actually my 10,000th post rather than 10,000th photo. i think there must be over 13,000 photos on here somewhere.

AND AlSO, i forgot to say a HUGE thank you to Matts who is the web landlord. without him funkypancake wouldn't have any where to live so thank you matts for your space and technical advice !

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