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you remember i told you about a hotel which was riddling (wriggling?) with cops and spooks last week cuz George was in town ?

well, it's also the place where the psychelic slick was. and this morning, a load of multicoloured broken glass looking all twinkerly in the pouring rain:


interestingly they had a load of matresses in a skip outside the side entrance. perhaps George's people asked them to be disposed of ? or maybe they were going to get some new ones anyway and waited until they had gone to get some new ones in. or maybe this was the only way of getting rid of the secret agents' bed-bugs ?



Feisty Girl said:

My theory is that GWB wees the bed.

funkypancake said:

i would go along with the theory, only he was staying with the Queen and not in the Churchill International Hotel where these mattresses were.

for now, the mystery remains ...

Tony said:

Maybe he's got a good aim.

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