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ash arrived this morning and said he'd seen a photo at tottenham court road tube station this morning. he'd been too shy to pick it up or take a photo of it with his phone.

it took a while to explain exactly where the photo had been seen, but once i was happy i understood the location i whizzed off down to see if i could find it.

unfortunately i couldn't see anything photo like in the area where he had described. i even went down in to the station and had a look round there and came back out to street level walking very slowly and examining everything.

in the end i gave up. just as i was walking away i found a passport photo !

the fantastic thing is that this ISN'T the photo that ash saw. it's a different one. i think i summoned this one to my path by my longing to find a photo.

so where is the one that ash saw ? we don't know. but he's going to go looking for it at lunch time. how do i know ? because i'm going to make him go ...

update: the photo that Ash saw was never located :-(


Ash said:

I am sorry dave not taking the picture but I will do next time

funkypancake said:

perhaps i have been a little hard on you. don't worry. there will be other photos to find. some slip through the net, but others will be captured and mounted, and how happy we will be !

Ash said:

thanks dave . you are so kind

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